You belong here!

New Here?

The best place to start is to join us for a Sunday service.


Sundays at 10:30 am

Service starts right at 10:30 am and lasts one hour. Some people come a little early to get settled, others slip in the back a few minutes late. Either way is fine. You do you!

We start with a couple songs and some announcements, then have a weekly message given by our teaching team. No dress code, no high-pressure sermons, just a safe place to learn about Jesus, the Bible and life’s big questions.

We take pastries and coffee to the next level

We have quality coffee and some of Seattle’s best pastries after the service. You are welcome to hang out for awhile and enjoy! We think eating together is one of the best ways to meet people and enjoy community so we don’t skimp on quality.

NSC Kids

We love kids here! From our check-in process to our age-appropriate content, we want your kids to have the best and safest experience possible.

We have classes for kids 18mo - 5th grade. For infants or other kids who aren’t quite ready for classes or services, we have a room called the Family Chapel just off the Worship Center. You can still participate in the service while letting your kids play and make some noise.


Youth are welcome to join us for our services. We encourage families to worship together—we keep it interesting enough that teens will stay engaged. For youth-specific ministry, we partner closely with Young Life to offer mind-blowing camps, regular club meetings, and mentoring opportunities.