What We’re About
Mission Statement
We are a faith community that exists to connect the people of North Seattle to the life and mission of Jesus

1. Communion
Growing closer to God
We were created for relationships and the most important relationship we have is with our creator. At North Seattle Church our goal is to help you grow in that relationship.
However, we want you to know that we’re not going to pressure you. Here’s why: we believe everyone has a different starting point—a unique story, a complicated past and experiences. Therefore spiritual growth isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s varied. Growth for one person looks different than another person. Ultimately what matters is that we’re all pointed in the same direction—toward Jesus. What does that mean? It means when we teach on Sundays our goal is to create a safe place for people at all levels of interest and experience to take steps at their own pace. We’re not going to create a high-pressure environment. We’re not going to put anyone on the spot. We value your story and your life enough to give you that space.

2. Community
Life together is better than life alone
Did we mention we were created for relationships? After our relationship with God, relationships with other people are the most important things in life. God never intended us to figure out life and faith all by ourselves. We do this in the context of community. What does that mean? It means we put just as much priority on community outside of the building as community inside the building. When we meet in small groups and with church friends, we are still practicing “church”. Church is a community, not a building, and we would rather live life with others than go it alone.
Team ministry is better than super hero ministry
We believe God has given EVERYONE gifts and a voice. While some churches focus on one pastor’s voice on the stage, we believe a better way to practice church is to allow more voices to have input and a platform. Some people visit North Seattle Church and are surprised to see that we don’t have the same speaker every week. Some aren’t even sure who the lead pastor is after a few months! We don’t mind that. We utilize a Teaching Team model because it’s just healthier. The congregation benefits from multiple qualified teachers while the staff benefit from not having to be “on” every week. That gives us more time to pray and prepare and creates a healthier staff and community.

3. Mission
We want you to live on purpose
It’s all about relationships. With God. With each other. And finally… with our world. You were created on purpose and part of the adventure of life is discovering how your unique gifts and abilities meet the world’s unique needs. We want to help you in that process. Whether that means getting involved on Sunday mornings or helping empower you to be more effective in your workplace or neighborhood, we’re all about seeing you live to your full potential.
Our building is a Community Center
We don’t just want you to live with purpose, we want everything we do to be full of purpose… That’s why we don’t let our building sit empty all week. We are full of life Sunday to Saturday! We rent out space to a number of organizations—Northwest Girlchoir, Little Nest Preschool, Lahai Health, Young Life, Cascade Volleyball, and many more. Plus we run a coffee shop called The Bridge. What does this mean? It means that people following Jesus and people who aren’t so sure yet are spending time together all week. It means that tenants pay a lot of the bills so that more resources can go direct toward ministry. It means we all get to drink good coffee all week! More importantly, it means North Seattle Church gets to be a blessing to our Haller Lake community 24/7. We’re not just about our own programs, we’re about the Kingdom of God—we don’t just want our church to grow, we want our neighborhood to flourish!