Staff Team
Trent Siverson—Lead Pastor
Faith: I have lived in Seattle my entire life and grew up attending a small church in the Maple Leaf neighborhood. In high school I left my family’s church and began attending North Seattle Church. Those formative years in the youth group deepened my decision to follow Jesus and confirmed my call to ministry. I have the unique experience of pastoring at the church that I have been attending for the last couple decades and I am consistently grateful for this beautiful community that I get to be a part of.
Family: I am married to my wonderful wife, Heather, and together we are raising two awesome kids: Clara and Jesse. We are grateful that almost all of our siblings and extended family live in the Seattle area. Our kids are lucky to be growing up in close proximity to their cousins, grandparents, and many aunts and uncles all investing in their lives.
Fun: I like being active, whether that means going for a run or bike ride, grabbing coffee and walking with my wife, or chasing after my kids. I also enjoy big adventures, exploring new places and learning about different cultures. This puts me in a place of chronically planning that next vacation or road trip.
Contact: tsiverson@nsachurch.org
Mark Lynch—Associate Pastor
Faith: I became a follower of Jesus at the young age of six. I was fortunate to be raised in a Christian home and church. As a teenager, I sensed that God was calling me to be a Pastor, so I dedicated my life to serving the Lord. I received training for ministry at Nyack College and Alliance Seminary, earning degrees in Psychology, Bible, Christian Education, and Leadership. Some of my most profound spiritual experiences have been visiting international workers in 16 other countries as they serve vulnerable and marginalized communities. Ask me about this sometime.
Family: My wife Michele and I were married in 1996 and we have three beautiful daughters. In 2023, we added a son in-law. As a Dad of three spirited daughters, my life is a joyful adventure filled with laughter and family gatherings. Having lived on Whidbey Island since 1998, we spend our days exploring beaches, hiking through forests, and embracing the outdoors in every possible way. I look forward to introducing my family to the church family at NSC.
Fun: I enjoy just about every kind of fitness, especially if it includes being outdoors. Since 2001, I have worked part time at a health club where I teach Spin classes on stationary bikes, it's a great cardio workout! Michele and I enjoy traveling to wherever Alaska Airlines flies. Michele has visited more countries than me, so my goal is to catch up to her! Our current travel schedule includes several family weddings in far away places and also attending graduation ceremonies for all three daughters as they graduate in 2025 (two from Grad School, one from College). This is an exciting season for our family and we are truly grateful.
Contact: mark@nsachurch.org
Liam Wright—Pastor of Worship Arts
Faith: I grew up as a pastor’s kid, and after years of unpacking and searching, knew it was eventually time to figure out how to live in authentic relationship with Jesus rather than just downloading an inherited spiritual checklist. Today, I’m in the beautiful space of embracing God’s mystery, promise, power, creativity and unfailing love as I continue to discover who He has designed me to be and support others in further understanding their own “divine design.”
Family: Our family is small, but dang is it mighty. I am married to my amazing wife Victoria, and we have a beautiful eight year old son… Romeo the corgi. The rest of our extended family is a bit spread out ranging from Olympia to Phoenix, but we’re happy to hold down the Seattle front and love being here!
Fun: I absolutely love anything to do with music, whether it’s writing, listening, performing, analyzing or collecting. I’m also a massive fan of being outside, adventures big and small, stuff with wheels, hockey, retro video games, DIY projects, anything related to artistry and craft, and find so much joy in connecting with others and hearing about their stories and passions!
Contact: lwright@nsachurch.org
Laura Benton—Director of Family Ministry
Bio coming soon!
Heather Siverson—Associate Director of Kids Ministry
Faith: My faith journey has been full of twists and turns that ultimately led me right back to where it began: North Seattle Church! I was dedicated as a baby in 1990 at NSC, and it feels quite surreal to now be working in the ministry that had such a profound impact on my faith. I have always loved working with kids and have taught in many different settings, and I would say that being around children has had the strongest impact on my walk with God. I have never felt closer to God or had deeper convictions on how to live out my faith than when I am seeing the world through the perspective of a child.
Family: My husband Trent and I have two awesome kids, Clara and Jesse, and we are lucky enough to have most of our siblings and cousins close by. We spend a lot of time with family and are so fortunate to have a strong community around us and our kids.
Fun: I love to be active and outdoors, especially with my family! You will always find me chasing the sun and (during the winter months) questioning why I live in gray and rainy Seattle. Some other random things I love are to sing and play music, garden, travel, and to get coffee at a cozy shop with my husband.
Micaela Ollivierre—Office Administrator
Faith: I am a Seattle native who was raised in a pentecostal Christian household. In my adult years I attended and graduated from Seattle University which helped me through my journey with my faith. My beliefs and faith shifted to focus more on my relationship with God and how to live by the fruit of the spirit.
Family: I come from a multicultural family. My mother is from Peru, and my Father is from St. Vincent and the Grenadines, alongside my two older brothers and my dog.
Fun: For fun, I love to travel and explore other cultures, languages and food. When I’m not traveling, I usually spend my time staying active by lifting weights and dancing.
Contact: admin@nsachurch.org
Brian Montanye—Facilities Coordinator
Faith: "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). My faith in Yeshua has brought me here to North Seattle Church. I knew of Him when I was younger, but I only had a relationship with Yeshua in the latter half of high school, thanks to a camp called Hume Lake. It allowed me to make my faith my own. I have seen Him perform wonders and miracles and seek to follow Him all the rest of my days. He has given me a heart for economic justice, and I hope this is the first step in that journey working here at the church.
Family: I am blessed to have a beautiful wife, Zoey Sky, and two exceptional and beautiful daughters, Eden and Israel. We also have two dogs, Indiana (Bones) and Cash (Money).
Fun: I like to read fantasy or history, go to Seattle Kraken games, or go to Disneyland. I plan to pick up surfing and painting this next year, as those are two of my fears I want to conquer.
Contact: facilities@nsachurch.org
Pablo Camano—Head Custodian
Faith: I was baptized in the Catholic faith and used to do a lot of church as a kid with my brother. One of my favorite songs is Ave Maria. I really love the work of God in creation and the planet itself with its rhythms of life and beauty. Today I’m trying to find myself and all my potential.
Family: I’ve been married to my wife for 20 years and gifted by God with two amazing daughters. I try to share as much time as I can with them in order to capture in my heart the moments in life that will never return.
Fun: I like experiencing new places when I can, whether close or far away. I am a nature lover because I love to feel the sense of freedom, peace and quietness without being worried about the time.
Contact: custodial@nsachurch.org